What is Microneedling?
Microneedling involves the use of a device with hundreds of fine, sterilised needles which prick the skin and create microscopic wounds to induce collagen and elastin production and help the skin repair.
Why do we recommend it?
Several studies have proved the effectiveness of microneedling in the treatment of stretch marks, especially over other modalities.
Park et al. conducted a study on 16 Korean women with stretch marks. Patients used a 1.5mm microneedling tool/derma roller at 4-week intervals. Three months after the last treatment, all patients showed improved skin texture, tightness, and colour, with an “excellent” improvement noted for seven of the patients.
Additionally, Khater et al. conducted a study on 20 patients with stretch marks. 10 of them were treated with a 1.5mm microneedling tool/derma roller and the other 10 patients were treated with carbon dioxide fractional laser. 90% of patients in the microneedle-treated group demonstrated overall clinical improvement, which was greater than 50% of patients in the laser-treated group, marking a statistically significant difference between the two modalities.
Similarly, Nassar et al. conducted a study on 40 female patients with stretch marks. Half of them were treated with a 1.5mm microneedling tool/derma roller at 4-week intervals and the other half were treated by microdermabrasion with sonophoresis. 90% of patients in the microneedle-treated group demonstrated overall clinical improvement, compared to 50% of patients in the microdermabrasion with sonophoresis-treated group, again marking a statistically significant difference between the two modalities.
Other studies by Ali et al.; Sanad et al. and Agamia et al. also prove the safety and effectiveness of microneedling, making it a great solution for at-home treatment.
Needle length used in majority of studies
Needle length used by Stria Lab
Premium titanium for maximum durability
Recommended intervals for use
Backed by several studies, proving its effectiveness in the treatment of stretch marks, particularly over other modalities
Agamia NF, Embaby MH, El-Sheikh DS. (2016). Comparative study between micro needling alone and microneedling combined with platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of striae distensae using clinical and histopathological assessment. J Egypt Women Dermatol Soc. 13:187–193.
Ali BMM, El-Tatawy RA, Elfar NN, Ali DAM. (2017). A comparative clinical and histopathological study of micro needling versus microdermabrasion (aluminum oxide crystals) in the treatment of striae distensae. J Egypt Women Dermatol Soc. 14:92–99.
Hagag, M., Samaka, R., Mahmoud, H. (2019). Role of microneedling in treatment of patients with striae distensae. Menoufia Medical Journal. 32: 756-762. https://www.mmj.eg.net/article.asp?issn=1110-2098;year=2019;volume=32;issue=3;spage=756;epage=762;aulast=Hagag#ref10
Khater MH, Khattab FM, Abdelhaleem MR. (2016). Treatment of striae distensae with needling therapy versus CO2 fractional laser. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 18:75–79.
Nassar A, Ghomey S, El Gohary Y, El-Desoky F. (2016). Treatment of striae distensae with needling therapy versus microdermabrasion with sonophoresis. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 18:330–334.
Park KY, Kim HK, Kim SE, Kim BJ, Kim MN. (2012). Treatment of striae distensae using needling therapy: a pilot study. Dermatol Surg. 38:1823–1828.